Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Back to Elevate

So, I really enjoyed the holidays. I spent ALOT of time with my family and with the Howards. I had a great Christmas. Santa was really generous this year. And I played alot of golf with my dad. I used to hate golf. I've heard some people say that the devil invented the game of golf but after playing a few times for real, I decided that I really like it. Especially when I shoot a 49 on 9 holes of golf. It was pretty fun. I can also now watch DVD's in my car thanks to DJ. And over the holidays, me and DJ became obsessed with watching The Office. In my opinion, it's the best show since Seinfeld. It's hilarious. So now, the holidays are over and elevate has started back up again. I woke up at 6:45 this morning for this first time since the holidays. Hopefully, it won't take me a while to get back into the swing of things. Surprisingly, I'm not that tired. But it's only the first day back. They've made a few changes to Elevate which I think everyone is quite pleased with. We only have to work 3 times a week now and we only have to run a 5K instead of a 10K! Praise God! Thank you Brandon for praying so hard for that to become a reality. Tonight is the Sugar Bowl. Go Tigers! I plan on watching the first half with my family and my grandfather. Happy Birthday Paw-Paw! (He turned 90 today. Yeah, that's a long time to live.) And then hopefully me and DJ can come join the rest of the Elevaters at the Annex to watch the rest of the game. Yes today has been a good day. A great day actually. I have alot to be thankful for.