Friday, April 13, 2007

Vision: Cheeseburger

The other day, my little sister and I were leaving the Target shopping center on Seigen. We were stopped at the red light waiting to turn onto Seigen and we saw a homeless guy and his dog standing on the median. When I see that it just breaks my heart.
But, I admit that several times I've just ignored the homeless people and tried not to make eye contact because it's awkward and you don't know if you give them money if they'll actually use the money for something good yada yada yada. Until I had an epiphany and decided to start keeping granola bars and pennies in my car to give to any homeless people I see. Well we saw this guy and he was holding up his cardboard sign which read - Vision: Cheeseburger. He had a huge smile on his face. It made me smile. So I rolled down my window and I said, "Excuse me sir, I have some change you can have."
He walked over with the biggest smile on his face and introduced himself. His name was Johnny and his dog's name was Cheeseburger. He said, "I named him Cheeseburger because I really like cheeseburgers." We talked for a little bit and I was so excited to be having this great conversation with this homeless guy. He had so much joy. And he was normal. It wasn't wierd or awkward, it wasn't even uncomfortable. He was a normal person, just like me, just like you. He had a great sense of humor. He made me laugh for a while and then he got really serious and said.
"Before I take the money, I need to ask you one question...."
He paused for a moment and looked at me and said "Do you know Jesus?"
I smiled and it made me really happy and I said yes I do know Jesus.

He replied, "Good because that's all that matters. Even though I don't have anything I still have him and that means I have everything."

I was amazed at this man. I couldn't believe this homeless guy who has nothing, not even a place to lay his head, was saying this to me. He was so cheerful and so sincere. I just can't describe it.
I asked him, "Do you ask everybody that question?"

As if this question had really confused him he looked at me and said, "Well yes of course I do....Don't you?"

I was left speechless. It was the simplest concept to him. He knew Jesus. And he believed in what he had and that it was worth giving, worth sharing. He couldn't help it. He knew thats what he was supposed to do and what he wanted to do. It was so simple. If you know Jesus then you tell other people about him.

I knew the answer to his question was no. I don't ask everybody I know if they know Jesus. I'm a full-time intern at the greatest church. I have a family who loves me, friends who love me, and I always have food to eat and a bed to sleep in. And I can barely even gather the courage to ask someone if they know Jesus. I actually have to pump myself up to do it.

Here was this homeless guy who had nothing. No material possessions. No great prospects for the future. But in his eyes, he had everything. He had Jesus. He had hope. He had the most sincere, genuine, pure, bold, childlike faith that I have ever encountered.

God really moved on my heart because of what happened and because of the question he asked me. Why don't I tell more people about Jesus? What holds me back? Why am I so afraid?
Barton Pickens made a really good point this morning. He said, "It all comes down to this - Do you really believe what you have is worth giving?"

That question has been on my mind all day. Do I believe what I have is worth giving? Yes of course I do. I do believe it's worth giving. The reason I have it is to share it with others. God really challenged me to step it up. My prayer is that every believer would have such a great passion for Jesus that they just can't help but tell others about him. That it just becomes normal to them like second nature. Because that is truly how its meant to be.

So, if you see a homeless guy named Johnny and his dog Cheeseburger around IHOP on Seigen stop for a minute and talk to him. Let him know he is not forgotten. Maybe even buy him a cheeseburger.


Phillip LeBlanc said...

Normally I don't read long blog posts, because I skim to get the general idea. But I read all of this post, and that is amazing.

I guess it ties in with the message on Wednesday.


Gered Lambert said...

That's a great post. What a story! Very humbling. Thanks for sharing.

leah said...

ohhhh step step half aunt gabi, i like it i like it. so truee.
i LOVE it. cheeseburger.

youve actually inspired me, I went and put a box of granola bars in my car today!


im>just-teli@ said...

that was amazing!!!!ahh i love ya gabby

Anonymous said...

My kids & I met the same man & his dog about a month ago @ IHOP on Seigen. T-Barry & Paul wanted to give him a blanket as soon as we saw him, so they dug through my trunk & found one. When the walked over & handed it to him, he asked what it was for & they told him they just wanted to bless him. The 1st thing out of his mouth after that was "I'm a believer too." The boys went on to ask if they could pray with him & he said all he was asking God for was a bike. There were a few people outside waiting for a table looking on in disbelief at 2 teen-age boys laying hands on this man & praying for him. I on the other hand was standing there with tears in my eyes. Once we got a table, Paul went out to see if we could order him anything & he was gone. My son, T-Barry wondered if maybe he was Jesus there to test us.

Your story is truly a blessing & I am glad to know that nothing has happened to Johnny & Cheeseburger.

Jennifer Barry

Andrew said...

This is quite possibly the best blog post I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

I met a homeless guy named Johnny and a dog named Cheeseburger today. In a strip mall in Athens, GA. I was googling him to see if anyone else had mentioned him, and found your blog.

Where is Seigen?

This has to be the same guy. Cheeseburger is a cattle dog with one white eye, and the other with a white spot.

Feel free to email me at goldfish65 at yahoo dot com if you want.

Anonymous said...

I was googling the lyrics for Hillsong- Hosanna and came across your blog.

This story is an amazing testimony!! Please Lord- break our hearts for what breaks your heart! Break our hearts for people, for justice, for truth.

Anonymous said...

I fed Johnny and "Cheeseburger" a cheeseburger today! In Athens GA.

Hannah Edwards said...

i bought some burgers for johnny and "cheeseburger" today on the eastside of athens, ga. he said he had come up to ga after katrina happened and his wife divorced him. we talked about God and i reminded him of how much God loves him. it was such a great time!

Anonymous said...