Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Million Dollar Question

"Sooooo....what are you doing after Elevate?"

That is the million dollar question. Which makes me wonder if anybody else knows the answer to that question people ask us all the time and they wont tell us the answer because they just wana keep the million dollars all to themselves. How rude. Please share. We would all like to know. I wish I knew the answer to that question for several reasons. Number One: I would know what I was doing after Elevate and I could know what to prepare myself for. Number Two: I wouldn't have to think about it all the time. Number Three: I wouldn't be left speechless and dumbfounded everytime someone asks me that question. and Reason Number Four: I'D HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS! those are pretty good reasons. I think from now on everytime someone asks me what I'm doing after Elevate I'm going to turn it back around on them and say, "Well what are YOU doing after Elevate?" This will confuse them and put a confused look on their faces and not know what to say and maybe make an awkward noise as a result of an effort to say something when they didn't know what to say. Then maybe, they would know how we Elevaters feel. But it's all good. I just have to keep reminding myself that God has it under control and that His plan is WAY better than mine. Thank goodness. And when I truly think about it, He has always been so good to me. Given me more than I deserve. So I really don't have anything to worry about. Because He is good and his plans for me are good. I can't wait to see what He has in store.


Connie Firmin said...

ha! so true! That is the question of the year! I love your blog name!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, what are YOU doing after Elevate??? ;o 'G-Mohnay'... do I even want to know where that came from? Let's play a game and see if you can figure out who this is. I'm in class with you...