Saturday, March 24, 2007

Used Underwear For Sale! All Proceeds Go to Africa!

A Garage Sale, some used underwear, michael jackson, and a whole lot of fun....

Where to elevate gets closer and closer to the end, the weekends seem to get longer and longer. We just keep getting pushed more and more. But we all survive.

This weekend, Elevate hosted a Garage Sale at the church to raise money so we can go to Africa. (Props to Natalie and everybody who donated stuff for making it happen) Well, we were hoping that people would donate some stuff but we had no idea how much stuff would actually get donated. We got a little bit more than we hoped for haha. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We got the church around 3:30 to start organizing stuff and as one person after the other dropped stuff off, the monster that was our garage sale just kept growing and growing. It looked like Katrina all over again!

We were way in over our heads and we knew we were in for a long night. But God is good and sent us some awesome volunteers to help us sort through the massive piles of clothes and random knick knacks. We had some cool girls from Mrs. Connie's Pathfinders group Sparkle come and help us out and they definitely added some life to the party. Thanks Mrs. Connie and the girls! And then of course I have to just go ahead and say that Mrs. Sheila is the biggest servant in the entire world. She served her heart out, showed up even when we hadn't asked her, and stayed with us all night and then all day Saturday. She's awesome! She's up there along with Mother Teresa and Mary.

I just want to thank all of the people who helped us out. We really honestly couldn't have done it without you and you know that's true. (You saw all the stuff) We had some people donate some awesome stuff. Even an Acordian!!!

One thing I don't understand is why people would donate their underwear...

I just don't know what else to say about that...

Check this picture out...

Yes that is Katie with a gun. Scariest thing ever? Probably so. Not to mention she has lady bug wings on her back.

More pictures and maybe even videos to come. Keep checking. You really don't wana miss the video of Kaycee dancing.


Kaycee said...

are you sure you want to post that video????

Katie said...

you are the coolest person I know

Barton Pickens said...

Hey Gabbi that has to be the funniest thing this year its amazing what 48 hrs of no sleep can do you are halarious and you make a great vinalla Ice tag team with Kaycee. Yo VIP Word

Connie Firmin said...

The girls had a blast! Thanks for letting us sort used drawers!

Lovin' your blog by the way!!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.