Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sisters and Nephews

My sister, Laura, flew in from Washington DC where she lives to spend the weekend with us. It was great to see her. She's 10 weeks pregnant so we're all really excited about it. Her husband Bill wasn't able to come in because of some business but having Laura in town was great. It's funny how you can forget how much you really miss someone until you actually see them and spend time with them.
Sunday came so quickly and it was off to St. Francisville. I love Sundays because I love St. Francisville and I love to see the girls and spend time at the Howards with the crew. Church was awesome and then Sunday night we had our first ever, Refuge at the MAG!!! It was a huge win for St. Francisville and most importantly, the Kingdom! We had about 36 kids which was quite a crowd for what we're used to. And about 7 or 8 kids went down to make a decision for Christ. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am. I think it's the beginning of something really great. I know that revival is coming in that community and it's our responsibility to usher it in. I can't wait to see what God will do!!!

Then on Monday, me and Laura went over to my other sister's house to visit our two nephews. They are the cutest things ever! Henry Nathan is a few months old and Cameron Luke is a little over 2 years old. Cameron is at the age where he pretty much just repeats everything you say. So one time my mom was helping him put together a puzzle and was amazed at how good he was at it so she said, "Cameron is so smart!" and then Cameron mimicked her by saying "Cameron is soooo smart!" He said it for the rest of the day. How cute. Henry's mo-hawk is my favorite.

God has blessed me with a great family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've learned the hard way that what you see in front of you is not always reality; yet the bonds we make with those we meet in life are what shake us to the core. The bottom line is that what is here today could be gone tomorrow...and no one should ever take family for granted.